A member of an animal advocacy group called "Richmond Friends of Animals amy started getting involved with animal issues in college when she started volunteering at the local animals shelter.You can participate in a peaceful protest to educate the public about the circus too, for more information please visit http://richmondfriendsofanimals.org/
Kathy Kelly: Eyewitness to War Reports Back from Afghanistan
The ten-year long war in Afghanistan has replaced Vietnam as America's
"longest war." More than 40 Virginians have been killed in the conflict, and countless Afghan lives have been lost.
The Richmond community will have a rare opportunity on April 14th to hear first hand from a lifelong peace activist who is working closely with Afghan civilians in search of non-military solutions to end the war.
Kathy Kelly is co-director of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, (www.vcnv.org) a campaign to end U.S. military and economic warfare. She traveled to Afghanistan three times in 2010 with small delegations, intent on learning more about conditions faced by ordinary people in Afghanistan, a country afflicted by three decades of warfare. She will be returning from Afghanistan days before the forum. She will speak
about Afghanistan on Thursday, April 14, at 7pm. The event will be held at 5th Baptist Church, 1415 W. Cary Street, near VCU.
Kelly will discuss her observations about Afghan society and its
struggling economy, and the terrible impact of the war on its civilians. She will also describe her work with a group of young Afghans “the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers” a group seeking to build bridges among young people in Afghanistan, and share her ideas about nonviolent alternatives to war and division in Afghanistan. Her presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.
The program is cosponsored by the Richmond Peace Education Center, Bon Air Presbyterian Church Peace Study Action Group, Midlothian Friends Meeting Peace and Social Action Committee, Pax Christi Richmond, Richmond Defenders for Freedom, Justice, and Equality, Richmond Friends Meeting, Richmond Mennonite Fellowship, and Wayside Center.
Free and open to the public. Free Parking www.rpec.org 232-1002.
The Church of the Holy Comforter (Episcopal) is located on the southeast corner of Monument Avenue and Staples Mill Rd 355-3251
Jesus on Trial in Virginia: Sentencing Christ to Death
Saturday, April 16 · 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
The audience will witness the sentencing phase of the trial of Christ and serve as the jury. The two attorneys, Mark Osler and Jeanne Bishop, will present their cases before William G. Broaddus, who will serve as judge, with witnesses drawn from the Gospels. The program will conclude with an audience question and answer session. This program will draw upon Mr. Osler’s book, Jesus on Death Row.
Jesus on Trial in Virginia: Sentencing Christ to Death
Sunday, April 17 · 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
After the 10 a.m. Palm Sunday service, Mark Osler and Jeanne Bishop will conclude their bookend Lenten programs with an Adult Forum for those interested in continuing the conversation.
Mark Osler is Professor of Law at the University of St. Thomas Law School in Minnesota. He is a former federal prosecutor, and a graduate of The College of William & Mary and Yale Law School.
Jeanne Bishop, a Board member of Murder Victims Families for Human Rights, is the sister of Nancy Bishop Langert, who was shot to death along with her husband and their unborn child in 1990. She is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and the Northwestern University School of Law. Ms. Bishop serves as assistant public defender in the Office of the Cook County Public Defender and is an adjunct professor at Northwestern University School of Law in the trial advocacy program
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